Our Committee
Our Committee provides governance to the network, setting the strategic direction. They are also responsible for the day to day supervision of the manager.
The committee is drawn from our members and elected at our AGM every year in October. Representation is spread across the region and is representative of the different types of Neighbourhood Houses in the region.
The Committee meets every six weeks and consists of the following positions:
Deputy Chairperson
Secretary and Public Officer
Ordinary Members
Meet the Committee
Jane Tonkin
Fitzroy Learning Network
Deputy Chairperson
Chris Lombardo
Bridge Darebin
Stephanie Dallas
Allwood Neighbourhood House
Lynne Harris
Mill Park Community House
Vanessa Veldman
Living and Learning Nillumbik
Lucie Holden
Watsonia Neighbourhood House
Roles and responsibilities
Each committee member is responsible for:
Being interested in and committed to meeting the needs of the local community
Showing a willingness to contribute their skills, abilities, time, energy and personal qualities to the effective management of NENHN.
Committing to the NENHN's philosophy, purpose and principles
Setting the direction for the organisation
Planning and setting policy to implement the direction
Monitoring the implementation of NENHN's annual & strategic plans
Meeting the requirements of the funding bodies as set out in their guidelines and funding agreements.
Settling any grievances as per the "Grievance Procedure Policy"
Office-bearer responsibilities
Chair the meetings of the Management Committee and Annual General Meeting
Vice Chair to substitute if chair unavailable
The final or casting vote if the Committee of Management is unable to reach a decision
Public Figurehead for the Committee of Management.
Secretary and Public Officer
Keep minutes of the decisions and proceedings of all Committee meetings and Annual General Meetings
Minutes must include who is present, apologies and copies of all reports presented
As the Public Officer to ensure all Annual Reports are sent to the Incorporation Association after the AGM each year along with the appropriate fee.
Oversee the implementation of the finance policy, budgets and recording of all financial income and expenditure
If income exceeds $200,000 have an audited report prepared for inclusion in the AGM
Present a financial report at each committee meeting.