Funding for Neighbourhood Houses
Neighbourhood House Coordination Program
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) funds a number of Neighbourhood Houses through the Neighbourhood House Coordination Program (NHCP). You can find the funding guidelines, including the reporting requirements here.
DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient)
Neighbourhood Houses are able to apply for grants which require DGR funding through the Neighbourhood House's DGR Fund administered by ANHCA (Australian Neighbourhood House and Centres Association).
Funding Opportunities
Funding opportunities are shared with the network through the network's e-newsletter and Facebook page. Other useful sources of funding opportunities include:
ANHLC e-bulletin – sent to all members weekly
Our Community Easy Grants newsletter - you can subscribe for $55 a year and receive a very comprehensive monthly newsletter with a vast array of grant opportunities.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Many corporations are looking for opportunities to support and engage with the community. This can take many forms, some examples are: staff volunteering for a working bee at a Neighbourhood House, providing their surplus office furniture for free or providing expertise in specialist areas such as human resources or information technology.
A list of useful demographics to help you when applying for funding, putting together a business case or in community needs analysis.
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census data
Each Local Government Area (LGA) has local demographic data on their website based on the ABS census data. The data can be viewed by the LGA as a whole or filtered by suburb or area.