Family Violence
Neighbourhood Houses have an important part to play in raising awareness about family violence and the impact on our community.
In 2018/ 2019 Adult Community and Further Education funded Living and Learning Nillumbik and Labor Living and Learning Centre to do a project called "Stronger Together". This project explored how neighbourhood houses and Learn Local Organisations can work more closely with family violence services to support women who have experienced family violence.
Quick reference - resources for neighbourhood houses
This video features the Banyule neighbourhood houses who participated in the Clothesline Project

Training and information sessions for neighbourhood houses
Northern Integrated Family Violence offer monthly training sessions throughout our Network. This comprehensive four hour session covers understanding and recognition of family violence and strategies to respond to disclosures and appropriate referrals for women.
Identifying and Responding to Family Violence training is highly recommended by many NENHN members who have completed it.
WIRE (Women's Information Referral Exchange) offer a one hour seminar that can be delivered at your neighbourhood house. This can be delivered as a session to an existing group, or they can run it for staff and volunteers. Minimum number 10 people. This service is free.
The session covers examples of family violence, why it occurs and how to respond.
Ask about the "Community Information Sessions"
Referral information
Information on responding to disclosures of family violence was developed through the project. There are also a number of Family Violence Networks in our region that you can either join or ask to attend as a guest if you are looking to partner with and connect to local Family Violence agencies.
Raising awareness
Neighbourhood Houses have an important part to play in raising awareness about family violence and the impact on our community. There are lots of ways to get involved through special events.
The Clothesline Project
This is a worldwide project that involves people painting messages about family violence on T-shirts which are then displayed in public places. Women's Health in the North support organisations to participate in this project by supplying T-shirts and art materials.
16 Days of Activism
16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign to challenge violence against women and girls. The campaign runs every year from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day.
Living and Learning Nillumbik commissioned a glass art work for this campaign that was unveiled at the launch of the 16 Days of Activism
Banyule and Nillumbik Neighbourhood Houses hosted a public photo event to invite people to stand together to say NO to violence against women. This event was covered in the local newspaper.
Week without violence
This is a global campaign to end violence against women. It is in the third week of October each year. To find out what is happening locally go to Northern Integrated Family Violence Services
International Women’s Day
This is a good opportunity to promote the message of gender equality. Each year there is a theme and heaps of resources to help with planning your event.
This short film "Unseen Heroes" was made from a speech given at Watsonia Neighbourhood House IWD about the impact of emotional abuse.
Stronger together project - events and reports
In November 2018 a forum was held for neighbourhood houses / learn local organisations and family violence services. A Collaborative Framework was developed with input from participants at this event. Read the forum report here.
Programs supporting women who have experienced family violence
Survive and Thrive is a program to support women who are rebuilding their lives after family violence. This is currently offered at Watsonia Neighbourhood House and Olympic Adult Education.
Neighbourhood Houses offer many programs that are suitable for women to develop skills and confidence. Neighbourhood Houses are supportive, safe, nurturing environments. An example is Introduction to Horticulture
In 2018 Watsonia Neighbourhood House won the Innovative Community Development Initiative for their Action Plan on Family Violence.