COVID-19 Resources for Neighbourhood Houses
Mandatory Vaccination Resources - Workers/Volunteers
On Friday 1 October 2021, Premier Daniel Andrews announced that in order to work on-site:
From 15 October, workers will need to have received or be booked in for a first dose by 22 October 2021 (or provide a medical exemption)
be fully vaccinated by 26 November 2021 (unless medically exempt)
This order applies to Neighbourhood house workers including:
an employee
a contractor (engaged by the employer or a third party)
a volunteer
a student on placement
Find more information the mandate here.
Here is a poster you can display at your house about how to get proof of your vaccination status.
Further info:
Australians can get help at Getting help during coronavirus (COVID-19) - How to get proof - Services Australia
Businesses and community organisations can get help at Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources - Services Australia
Justice Connect have some information available here about requiring staff to get a vaccine
Mandatory Vaccination - Participants
Neighbourhood houses are impacted by the ‘Open Premises Directions’ issued by Victoria’s Chief Health Officer outlining requirements for operators and patrons of certain premises to be vaccinated and comply with other health directions.
For the most recent copy of these directions click here, and scroll down to ‘Open Premises’.
There are some limited exceptions for:
Contactless collection or delivery
Essential public support services
See page 11 of the directions for more information.
What if workers come into contact with a positive case?
To assist providers with workforce planning and assessing risk when workers come into contact with potential COVID-19 exposure, the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) have provided the following documents:
Contact assessment and management guidance: Workplaces, business and industry
Contact assessment and management guidance: Primary care, community-based healthcare and emergency services
The documents can be used to guide assessment and management of when and how long workers should be furloughed if they encounter a positive case whilst providing services, as well as testing requirements.
Information for Community Members
New restrictions for Melbourne here
Case locations and outbreaks here
Where to get tested here
Translated information here
Financial support for coronavirus (COVID-19) here
Isolation and quarantine – extra help and support here
Mental health resources here
Information for people with disability here
Emergency relief packages here
COVIDSafe religion and ceremony guidance here
Vaccine Information
Neighbourhood Houses have an important role to play in communicating information about how vaccines can be accessed.
Read these key messages from the Victorian Government Department of Health about COVID-19 Vaccines for Neighbourhood Houses and other community organisations.
Eligible people in Victoria are able to get vaccinated at Victoria’s network of vaccination centres by calling the Coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398 or by walking in and waiting at one of the centres.
Bookings can also be made at participating GP clinics.
Key information
The COVID-19 vaccines are free, safe and voluntary – the more people who are vaccinated, the greater the protection for those vaccinated and the whole community.
The COVID-19 vaccines are free for everyone in Australia
The best person to talk to if you have concerns about your health and a being vaccinated against COVID-19 is your doctor/general practitioner (GP).
Visit the Australian Government website for the latest news and updates on COVID-19 vaccines.
For the latest vaccine information from the Victorian Department of Health, please visit their website.
Resources from Victorian Department of Health Vaccine information session 3 June 2021
Slide presentation - COVID-19 vaccine program
Australian Government Is It True? – answers to frequently asked questions
Australian Government communication resources – includes campaign materials such as posters, videos and translated information
Information on the AstraZeneca Vaccine
Weighing up the potential benefits and against the risk of harm for AstraZeneca
Information about operating during COVID-19
Click here to access the Victorian Government COVID-19 Incident Reporting regulations.
Recently updated: see this Guidance on the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) from the Victorian Government Department of Health.
Bridge Darebin have developed this online course about COVID-19 Prevention and Control for staff and volunteers.
Southern Community House Network (CHN Southern) have a great list of COVID-19 recovery resources for Neighbourhood Houses on their website here.
Resources include:
Example pandemic response plans
Re-opening checklists
Other helpful resources
Circuit Breaker Business Support package here
Financial support for businesses here
Free infection control training for businesses here
Translated information about COVID here
Victoria’s COVIDSafe Settings here
How we work: Information for Business and Industry here
Record keeping for contact tracing here
About the Victorian Government QR Code Service here
QR Code app, API and digital record keeping for contact tracing here
How to create a COVIDSafe workplace here
Information about wearing a face mask here
Six principles of COVIDSafe workplaces here
Signs, Posters and templates for your workplace here
COVIDSafe Plans here
Business Grants and Support here