Finding Neighbourhood Houses Online
In 2012 the North East Neighbourhood House Network led a project to help neighbourhood houses increase their online presence. Research was undertaken into the methods our members where currently using to promote themselves online and areas for improvement.
Based on this information, a number of half day workshops were offered to teach members more about search engine optimisation (getting your website higher up in search results), Facebook and Mailchimp (an e-newsletter tool).
Possible e-marketing tools were investigated and collated into an e-marketing decision making matrix which aims to help neighbourhood houses decide which tools would bring them the most value and fit within their time and budget constraints.
If you are investigating which online course finder to use, check out the course finder matrix.
Other useful discoveries from the project about e-marketing can be found on the Neighbourhood Houses ICT website under the e-marketing menu.
To help support the network's e-marketing endeavours a photobank of Neighbourhood House photos was created which houses can use to promote their work online.