Continuous Improvement
Asset-based Community Development (ABCD)
Click here to download the resource Participatory Community Building Guidebook - Building Community Capacity, developed by the Jeder Institute.
This is a guidebook is designed for participants of Art of Participatory Community Building and the shorter Participatory Community Building workshops.
Neighbourhood House Risk Management Quick Reference Guide
Victorian Managed Insurance Authority has produced a quick reference guide for neighbourhood houses that includes risk management and how to auspice groups.
Neighbourhood Houses Good Practice Guide
The Good Practice Guide Self Assessment System (GPG) is a tool to help Neighbourhood Houses in Victoria to evaluate your strengths and identify opportunities for improvement in the drive for organisational excellence. The GPG is a step by step process that guides you through a thorough investigation of your House or Centre's governance, management and delivery practices.
The GPG can also be used as a professional development tool for Co-ordinators, Staff and Committees of Governance, and will assist in ensuring the ongoing viability and sustainability of your organisation.
The Neighbourhood Houses Web Library has been set up to assist Neighbourhood Houses in completing the guide.
Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres Sector Framework
The NH&LC Sector Framework sets out to strengthen the Neighbourhood House Sector through a consistent description of our philosophy, principles, practice, manner of operation and structure.
Networks Good Practice Guide
You can find a copy of the Networks Good Practice Guide on the Neighbourhood House Web Library.
Neighbourhood Houses Quality Enhancement and Risk Management Matrix
This guide is designed to clarify the roles and responsibilities of parties to the Neighbourhood House Coordination Program (NHCP), and other stakeholders where a Neighbourhood Houses experiences some difficulty that is best addressed through direct intervention. It compliments the Neighbourhood House Coordination Program Guidelines 2009-2012.
Media Guidelines for Portraying People with a Disability
One in five Victorians and over four million Australians have a disability.
The language and images used in mainstream media to depict disability influence community attitudes by setting the overall tone for how disability is portrayed and framed in society. It can impact on how people with a disability see themselves, both in terms of life expectations and outcomes and in their ability to participate in the community.
The Victorian Government Reporting It Right includes guidelines to assist journalists and communications professionals in appropriately portraying people with a disability.
You can find the guidelines here.
Governance Capability Framework
The Community Sector Governance Capability Framework describes the broad capabilities required by people on Boards or Committees of Management in community sector organisations.
It provides Board or Committee members with a common language for the knowledge and skills that are critical for the stewardship of an organisation, and also includes knowledge and skills required for particular roles on the Board, such as that of Board Chair.