Annual dinner
It was wonderful to gather and share a meal, music and some laughs with new and old friends at our annual dinner.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to making the dinner such a successful night.
It was great to hear about
Community Engagement Through Art: Leanne Coughlin Alphington Community Centre
Sustainability Project at Span Community House: Julie O'Brien
Getting Kids Active: Alison Beck Railway Neighbourhood House
Our wonderful entertainers were
Caz Dunell: Thomastown Neighbourhood House
Mary-Lynn Griffith: Whittlesea Community House
Jane Tonkin, our new Chairperson shared her reflections on the importance of neighbourhood houses and the difference neighbourhood houses make in peoples lives.
If you'd like to find out more about the programs and projects that were presented at the dinner - check out these links
Engagement through Art at Alphington Community Centre
Sustainability at Span
Getting Kids Active - Railway House
And watch this Promisetown Picnic video if you want to know why Thomastown is fondly called "Promisetown". Hollywood meets Thomastown. Photos and Editing by Chris Preuss.
Thank you to Stephanie from Allwood Neighbourhood House for these lovely photos from the dinner. If you weren't able to come to the dinner this year, hope you can make it next year!