Political Literacy - Members Forum
NENHN members had a great forum in Thornbury on March 24. Panellists Fiona Patten MP and Aldo Malavisi shared their experiences of state and local government, and responded to questions about how Neighbourhood Houses can maximise their relationships with all levels of Government.
Some handy hints for Neighbourhood Houses:
Develop relationships with all councillors - not just your ward councillor
Invite your upper house member to events - they can advocate on your behalf about issues
Understand the budget cycle and make submissions well in advance
Council officers can give you advice on how to prepare and present your case
We surveyed participants after the session. Here are some of their reflections (edited):
What did you learn, or what did you take away from the session?
A better understanding of how difficult and time-consuming it can be for politicians to make meaningful change. Also an understanding of the low discretionary budget that most councils operate with
Understanding the importance of the 4 year cycle, connecting with the electoral office staff, keep an eye on the inquiries and see where NHs have a role, connect with upper and lower house members
A better understanding of when best to approach government and how to navigate this
The importance of building relationships with all councillors, not just our ward councillor, and being aware of budget timing and how to best time submissions
The need for good story telling in political advocacy
How to build a strategy for working with Local Gov and State Gov, reminder to build the relationships early on so when you have an 'ask' you already have existing rapport and they're aware of your org's work, who to ask and when to ask
It validated to me the importance of understanding who’s who in the zoo at a Local, State and Federal level of Govt. Telling our stories to the people who can influence change is so important
Reminders about maintaining communication and building allies. Loved hearing Aldo talk about civic participation and identity. Political cycles - when to get easy funding or big things done. Relationships! importance of advocating on behalf of our communities
That I need to get to know more Councillors, not just the local ones.
What will you differently after attending the session?
Ensure I use the state upper house reps more.
Think more strategically about the best timing for approaching local, state and federal politicians, and how to present solutions that are mutually beneficial. Try to use the political system to our advantage, rather than fighting against the way it is
think more broadly about our local councillors, connect with new councillors as well
Give more thought to when is the best time to bid and who our allies are
Ensure federal members are invited to events
Introduce myself and the Centre to all councillors, and also to upper house rep to begin building relationships and awareness
Focus more on establishing relationships with council
Try to attend Council meetings - to understand Councillors priorities
I am going to meet with each member of the Upper House in the Northern Metro Region to make them familiar with what we do and what our capabilities are
Improve communication with politicians, get more active
Keep an eye on relevant inquiries and add submissions from a NH perspective